Tuesday, April 22, 2008

`In the skin of the lion` by Michael Ondaatje was really intresting book and it contains two main ideas such as never give up and immigrants are part of the canadien history.
The romance between Clara and Patrick was well described by the author and through his style he created a truly story that has occured in early1920`s.The author analyses the mistery between main characters and he does do a great job on identifying the characters in accordance with their importance in the novel.In the end of the novel Patrick and Clara end together with Hana who is the doughter of Alice and Catos.At the end the author decides to solve the mistery throught Patric conversation with Hana during the way to reach Clara who had been waiting for a long time.
Since Michael Ondaatje is an immigrant from Srilanka he is really intresting in analysing the immigrants in the second part the novel.Through the construction of the brigde the author analyses the immigrants difficulties starting from the point of leaving their own country to the hard work that they have done in Canada.He gives the Nicholas character who really presents the emigrants in the early 1920`s.The immigrants lost their lifes because of the lack of the securiti during the work and many among them remain injured.The immigrants cuold not raiser their voice to the investors because they could loose their life such as the example of Catos.
In conclusion i would recomand this book to people whom Canada is not their mother land. They feel egnored and they could not step ahead.They should know that their work is appreciated and they really are involved in the history of Canada.

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